Vector Wealth Management

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The Second Best Time

People sometimes remark, "If only I had invested in [insert stock name here] a decade ago, I'd be set." as if all the golden opportunities were behind us. For today's video, we focus on long-term investing through the lens of the ancient proverb:

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

This idea is especially relevant for those nearing retirement when accumulation shifts to distribution; the garden nourishes the gardener in turn. Putting money to work today is like planting saplings in an orchard. In the future, you'll likely be glad you did. Historically, markets have rewarded long-term investors.

Whether you're staging assets in an investment portfolio or starting a new passion project, the second best time is now. Diversification, risk management, and legacy planning, among others, are all forward-looking considerations for today when adding to that growing orchard. The essence of the proverb—that it's never too late to start something meaningful—still applies.

Did you know the hearty bur oak can live for over 200 years, with some trees approaching 1,000 years old?
