Financial Planning
Before, During & After a Divorce

Sharon Calhoun
Managing Director, Senior Wealth Advisor

Sharon Calhoun has served Vector clients since 2000 and has earned the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA) designation.

CDFA® professionals like Sharon understand how to help their divorced and pre-divorce clients with financial issues like valuing and dividing property, spousal support, and retirement assets.


Listen to our podcast episode about divorce and financial planning with Vector’s Sharon Calhoun, CDFA, and Scott Rose.

This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe to Vector’s Well Balanced podcast.

Financial Planning

Case Study
– Divorce

They are getting a divorce. He offers her two options: Option one, cash payments to her for some number of years, or Option two, a lump sum today but with a substantial discount.

Which option should she choose?

Sharon Calhoun discusses divorce and financial planning with Today’s Business Radio host Tom Lyons.

Listen to the radio spot.

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