Get Started

Step 1

20-Min Call

Step 2

Investable Assets

Step 3

Wealth Plan


Form CRS & Regulatory Information

Begin your journey with Vector

On the first call we’ll review your goals and unique situation—what’s important to you. You can decide if our services are a good fit for you. Next, you’ll share your retirement needs and an estimate of your investable assets. The final step is an online or in-person review of a customized Sojourn wealth plan.

At the conclusion of our initial discussions, we genuinely encourage you to take your time and reflect on whether we're the right fit for you. We're in the business of building lasting relationships, not rushing through transactions. Rest assured, you'll never experience any high-pressure tactics or hard sells from us.

Schedule 20-Min Call


Fiduciary approach – acting only and solely in the clients’ interest

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Collaborative team approach with strong client relationships

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Strategic, customized, tax efficient financial planning

The Well Balanced Podcast

Vector’s podcast, Well Balanced, offers a passionate and entertaining look at money and investing. Themes include Financial Planning Topics, Market Perspectives, and Well Being in Retirement.

Subscribe to Vector’s Well Balanced podcast on Apple or Spotify for weekly market updates and real-world financial planning scenarios.

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