As part of our commitment to provide you with transparency in our operations, and to fulfill our disclosure obligations, we are providing the following documents related to our relationship with you, and the services we provide.
Client Relationship Summary (CRS), ADV Part 3
The items discussed in the relationship summary are designed to promote effective communication between investment advisors and investors.
Download Client Relationship Summary (pdf)
Updated 3/26/2021. Item: V20169670
Advisor Agreement
An agreement to retain and appoint Vector Wealth Management to provide investment advisory services to you.
Download Advisor Agreement (pdf)
Updated 6/18/2020. Item: V20170671
Privacy POLICY
We take the privacy of your personal information very seriously.
Download Privacy Policy (pdf)
Updated 4/2/2020. Item: V20093618
Form ADV Part 2A
Discloses important information about our services. You can also find this document at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov
Download ADV Part 2A (pdf)
Updated 3/18/2024 Item: V24073106_2
Form ADV Part 2B
Discloses required information about our advisory staff.
Download ADV Part 2B (pdf) | Attribution Statement
Updated 9/20/2024 Item: V24264165
Disclosure Statements
SNS Financial Group LLC, dba Vector Wealth Management is a registered investment adviser.
Disclosure Statement (webpage & podcast)
Options Disclosure Document
Prior to buying or selling an option, investors must read a copy of the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options, also known as the options disclosure document (ODD). It explains the characteristics and risks of exchange traded options.
Vector Advisor & Team Directory
Please notify us immediately regarding any changes in your situation that may affect your financial condition, investment objectives or risk tolerance. Thank you for placing your trust and confidence in Vector.