Black Swan

Rara avis in terris is Latin and means a rare bird in the lands.

Black swan theory or “cygnus atratus” theory for you ornithologists, suggests that the observation of a single event or occurrence invalidates previous notions of impossibility. One of the key characteristics of black swan events is that they are often unthinkable until they actually happen. The theory reminds us that there are events outside of the probable.

In history, there have been many improbable events that have shaped the world as we know it. These events have had a significant impact on the global economy, financial markets, and the way societies function.

When it comes to thinking about your financial life we believe it is important to consider a variety of dimensions; Changes in stock price, interest rate swings, inflation, tax policy, or how long you could live for example. These are known unknowns.

What can be done about the unknowns? Plan for the probable knowing that black swans exist. Aim to offset the risk of a single dimension drastically changing your plans.




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