October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Your password should not be "password." Also, "qwerty123" and "123456" will get you in trouble. Are you using the same password across multiple accounts? It's time to update those.

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. In this week's Market Perspective, Jason and Suzy discuss common cyber financial crimes and straightforward steps you can use to fortify your online accounts.

Suzy Klapperich is the Chief Compliance Officer at Vector. She works with the team and our custodians to apply cyber-security best practices. Beyond password hygiene, Suzy says to look out for phishing emails requesting your personal information, beware of urgent wire transfer requests, and avoid using public wi-fi.

Vector has established a Cyber Resources page on our website with actionable information and quick tips. Visit: vectorwealth.com/cyber-security to learn more.

Clients who have set up their client portal with Vector may send and receive encrypted files with us. Visit: vectorwealth.com/client and click on "Client Portal."

Additionally, Vector provides a secure upload page for quickly sending us private or sensitive documents. Visit: vectorwealth.com/upload



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