Well Balanced Vol. 21

Well Balanced. Volume 21. A round-up helping you get today right.

📈 Stock Quote

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Yogi Berra, Baseball Catcher & Coach

🌮  Term Review:

Thin Market
A thin market has relatively few buying or selling offers for a particular asset. With limited offers, each trade can have a more pronounced effect on the market price.

Liquidity is a measure of how quickly an investor can convert their investment into cash or acquire an asset at a stable market price. Liquidity reflects the trading activity level and the availability of buyers and sellers in the market.

Blue Chip
In financial terms, blue-chip stocks are shares of well-established, financially stable companies with a history of reliable performance. However, outside of finance, a "blue chip" might refer to a delicious, crispy corn chip.

🎰  May the Odds be in Your Favor

The odds of winning a Powerball jackpot are about 1 in 292.2 million.

Odds of being struck by lightning
— 1 in 114,195.

Odds of being audited by the IRS
— 1 in 160.

🧾  Compound Growth

The future ain't what it used to be.

After 10 years and at a compound interest rate of 7% per year, a $1 million investment would grow to approximately $2M.

Remember that due to inflation, $1.3M in today's dollars is equivalent to around $1M ten years ago. At Vector, we believe in finding a balance between short-term liquidity, long-term growth, and the protection of purchasing power.  


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