When to Prepare for a Downturn

You may know the phrase "diversification is the only free lunch in investing." To many, this means owning a mix of assets in your portfolio to smooth out the ride. At Vector, we take it a step further. We believe that it's just as important to diversify across time periods using a bucket-based approach.

In this week's video, we discuss why it's always a good time to have an investment plan in place. In our view, an investment plan, or playbook should have both an offense and defense component. We'll share how to use a bucket approach to plan for downturns in the market. And we wrap it up with: why. Knowing how much money is available in each bucket can help you remain diversified across time periods and avoid selling long-term investments to cover short-term expenses.



Inflationary Pressures and Expectations


It’s not you, it’s U.S.