Our Remote Workplace Plan
Vector has implemented our remote workplace plan. Our staff has the capacity to work remotely as if they were in the office. We will have a few members of our team in the office that will accommodate the social distancing that is recommended.
Our office hours and contact points remain the same
The financial and personal data of our clients is secure
We have the capacity to hold web-based meetings (in place of face-to-face) as an alternative
In-person meetings are still an option with the understanding/belief that all attendees are healthy
Technology allows us to operate as usual and act responsibly given the COVID-19 health recommendations, and on a small scale, impact the severity of the pandemic.
Individually and collectively we are charged with minimizing the spread and impact of COVID-19. As noted recently by government officials, we are in a time where everyone needs to isolate as much as possible. We will continue to operate using our remote workplace plan and will also continue to provide you with our perspective at least weekly.
Take care,
Thomas G. Fee
Vector Wealth Management