Drift and Risk Tolerance
When the values of your underlying portfolio assets change, it’s likely that your risk posture has also changed. We discuss drift and rebalancing as a tool to manage portfolios over time. (video)
Money Supply and Race Horses
Overall U.S. money supply (M2) remains high. We look at the money supply, historical runs of high inflation, and assets that have generally done well in those environments.
Yield Curve. 9 Months After Inversion
The yield curve is inverted and has been since July of last year. What’s a yield curve, and why are we talking about interest rates again? While not a science, some past recessions have occurred around 20 months after an inversion.
Replay of Market Update - April 2023
A recording of our Market Update webinar; we discuss markets, inflation, and more. The full-length and shortened recap video recordings are available here.
Cause and Effect
Unknowable cause-and-effect relationships are the norm in markets, especially in the short term. At Vector, we plan for complexity and realize that not every effect has a singular cause.
Well Balanced Vol. 18
Stock Quote: Things do not change; we change. Well Balanced is a round-up of topics helping you get today right.